Research Foci

Anglophone Literatures & Cultures

Eighteenth-Century Studies

Gender & Film Studies 

Shakespeare Studies

Medical Humanities
Material Cultures


I am  the author of the monograph Unsex Me Here (WVT, 2014), a book on spatial representations and gender in contemporary Shakespeare films. I have co-edited the volume Hollywood Reloaded (Schüren 2013, together with Dr. Oliver Schmidt et al.) as well as Psychopharmacology in British Literature and Culture, 1780-1900 (Palgrave 2020, together with Dr. Natalie Roxburgh). Further publications range from contradictory spaces of knowledge, gender and metaphors in Shakespeare mangas, Ireland and the abortion law to the representation of gender and science in literature and film. In addition to my second monograph Reproduction and the Maternal Body in Literature and Culture: Bodies of Knowledge, 1726-1818, forthcoming with Routledge (2024, under contract), my current research interests include material feminism(s), literature and plants, posthumanism and (postcolonial) ecocriticism.  







Since 01/24

Adjunct professor ('Privatdozentin'), department of English, American and Celtic Studies, University of Bonn



Interim professor, Anglophone Gender Studies (short-listed, 2nd place), department of British and North American Studies, University of Greifswald 



Interim professor (LS Fludernik), English literature and culture, English department, University of Freiburg 



Lecturer, Institute of English and American Studies, Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg 



Independent M8_04 post-doc position, project "Monstrous Medicine - Obstetrics in Literature and Culture of  the Long Eighteenth Century", University of Bremen (resulting habilitation thesis submitted in November 2022)


04/16-to date

Lecturer, Institute for Ethics in Technology, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg



Postdoc position, research group "Fiction Meets Science", funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, in collaboration with the University of Bremen, Oldenburg, Bielefeld, Hamburg, Guelph, Sydney and the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst 



Research assistant, faculty 10, Linguistics and Literary Studies/English-Speaking Cultures, University of Bremen 



Lecturer, faculty 10, Linguistics and Literary Studies/English-Speaking Cultures, University of Bremen 






Habilitation certificates "Dr. phil. habil." and "Privatdozentin", Venia Legendi: Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Bonn



Habilitation thesis Bodies of Knowledge – (Re)Production in British Literature and Culture, 1726-1818, submitted 11/2022, University of Bonn (accepted 10/2023, 2nd monograph forthcoming with Routledge 2024, under contract)



PhD certificate “Dr. phil.“ for Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Bremen   



Dissertation Unsex Me Here – Gender und Raum im zeitgenössischen Shakespeare-Film (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2014) 



Postgraduate and scholarship holder of the interdisciplinary doctoral group “Textuality of Film“, Uni­versity of Bremen 



“Magistra Artium“, University of Bremen, Thesis: “Die Darstellung der Figur Guinevere in ausge­wähl­ten Erzählungen des Mittelalters und des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts“ 



Study of English Literatures and Cultures at the London Metropolitan University, Great Britain 



Study of English and German Literatures and Cultures at the University of Bremen







22. Reproduction and the Maternal Body in Literature and Culture: Bodies of Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century, 1726-1818. Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities. London/New York: Routledge. (peer-reviewed, unter contract, forthcoming 2024)


21. Unsex Me Here – Gender und Raum im zeitgenössischen Shakespeare-FilmStudien und Handbücher zur Medienkulturwissenschaft. Eds. Knut Hickethier, Ans­gar Nünning and Martin Zierold. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2014.



International, peer-reviewed


20. Psychopharmacology in British Literature and Culture, 1780-1900. Eds. Natalie Roxburgh and Jennifer S. Henke. Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine. Eds. Sha­ron Ruston, Alice Jenkins and Catherine Belling. Basingstoke: Palgrave Mac­mil­lan, 2020. (peer-reviewed)




19. Hollywood Reloaded. Genre­wan­del und Medienerfahrung nach der Jahr­tau­send­wen­de. Eds. Jennifer Henke, Magdalena Krakowski, Benjamin Moldenhauer and Oli­ver Schmidt. Schriftenreihe zur Textualität des Films. Eds. John Bateman, Heinz-Peter Preußer and Sabine Schlickers. Marburg: Schüren, 2013. 


Contributions to Journals and Edited Volumes 

National & international, invited, peer-reviewed


18. Henke, Jennifer S. "Matters of Interest: Entangling the Maternal Body“. Undue Burdens: Reproductive Rights and Bodily Autonomy in the Long Eighteenth Century. Eds. Fiona Brideoake, Ula Lukszo Klein, and Nicole Garret. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2024. (invited, peer-reviewed) [submitted]


17. Henke, Jennifer S. "'Fruits which that unknown orchard bore': Practices of Abortion in the 19th Century“. Victorian Reproductions. Special Issue. Journal for the Study of British Cultures (2/24). Hrsg. Sarah Wegener and Wolfgang Funk. Heidelberg: Winter, [2024]. (invited, peer-reviewed) [accepted]


16. Henke, Jennifer S. „Zur Geschichte der Geburtsmedizin: Ein Exkurs." Chirurgie und Schwangerschaft. Hrsg. Beate Rau, Costanza Chiapponi, Doreen Richard, Ute Seeland und Rebecca Sänger. Heidelberg: Springer, 2023. (invited) [submitted] 


15. Henke, Jennifer S. „Shakesqu(e)er intersektional: Vom Film zur Webserie“. Fachzeitschrift Schultheater. Hrsg. Christoph Lutz-Scheurle, Sabine Kündiger und Max Weig. Sonderausgabe 54: Shakespeare Querdenken. Hannover: Friedrich Verlag, 2023. 38-41. (invited)


14. Henke, Jennifer S. „Contesting Spaces of Knowledge: Reproduction, Medicine and Literature”. Contradiction Studies: Exploring the Field. Eds. Kerstin Knopf, Gisela Febel and Martin Nonhoff. Heidelberg: Springer, 2023. 233-257. (invited)


13. Henke, Jennifer S./Gerstner, Jan. „Einleitung: Die Robinsonade – Von Frames zum (Re-)Framing.“ (Re-)Framing the Robinsonade. PhiN – Philologie im Netz. Hrsg. Jennifer S. Henke und Jan Gerstner. PhiN – Philologie im Netz. Hrsg. Paul Gévaudan, Hiltrud Lautenbach, Alexander Nebrig, Peter Schneck und Dietrich Scholler. Sonderheft 30/2023. 1-6.


12. Henke, Jennifer S. "Mary Wollstonecraft, Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman (1798)“. Handbook of the British Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century. Eds. Katrin Berndt and Alessa Johns. Handbooks of English and American Studies. Eds. Martin Middeke. Gabriele Rippl and Hubert Zapf. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022. 449-466. (invited)


11. Henke, Jennifer. „The Stepford Syndrome – Zur fiktionalen Verhandlung der Sexrobotik“. ‘Robo Sapiens‘? Roboter, Künstliche Intelligenz und Transhumanismus in Literatur, Film und anderen Medien. Hrsg. Dominik Orth, Ingo Irslinger. Wissenschaft und Kunst. Hrsg. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner, Dimiter Daphinoff. Heidelberg: Winter, 2021. 141-158. (invited)


10. Henke, Jennifer/Roxburgh, Natalie. "Introduction." Situating Psychopharmacology in British Literature and Culture. Eds. Natalie Roxburgh and Jennifer S. Henke. Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine. Eds. Sharon Ruston, Alice Jenkins and Catherine Belling. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. (peer-reviewed)


9. Henke, Jennifer. „Verloren im Weltall. Ein neues Stereotyp der Wissenschaftlerin im Film am Beispiel von CONTACT (1997) und GRAVITY (2013)”. Genre-Störungen. Schriftenreihe zur Textualität des Films. Hrsg. John Bateman, Heinz-Peter Preußer und Sabine Schlickers. Marburg: Schüren. 2019. 33-54. 


8. Henke, Jennifer. “Shakespeare Mangafied: Gender and Japanese Visual Language." Special issue Metaphor and Gender. Vol. 30/2019. 2-22. (invited)


7. Henke, Jennifer. „In the Flesh – The Politics of Abortion in Ireland”. Hard Times – Gender Today. Eds. Anke Bartels, Irmgard Maassen and Ingrid von Rosenberg. Issue 102.2 (2018). 114-126. (invited)


6. Henke, Jennifer. ““Ava’s body is a good one”: (Dis)Embodiment in Ex MachinaAmerican, British, and Canadian Studies (ABC). Berlin: DeGruyter, 2017. 126-146. (peer-reviewed) [cited >21x] 


5. Henke, Jennifer, Norbert Schaffeld and Kati Voigt. “Mathematicians, Mysteries and Mental Illnesses: The Stage-to-Screen Adaptation of Proof”.  Adaptation. Oxford: OUP, 2017. 322–337. (peer-reviewed)


4. Berndt, Katrin/Henke, Jennifer. “Love, Age, and Loyalty in Alice Munro’s ‘The Bear Came Over the Mountain’ (2001) and Sarah Polley’s Away from Her (2006)”. Care Home Stories. Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care. Eds. Sally Chivers and Ulla Kriebernegg. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2017. 203-224.


3. Henke et al. “Genres zwischen Medien­kul­tur und Kulturkritik“. Hollywood Reloaded. Genre­wan­del und Medienerfahrung nach der Jahr­tau­send­wende. Eds. Jennifer Henke, Magdalena Krakowski, Benjamin Moldenhauer, Oliver Schmidt. Schriftenreihe zur Textualität des Films. Reihen-Hrsg. John Bateman, Heinz-Peter Preußer, Sabine Schlickers. Marburg: Schüren, 2013. 7-18.


2. Henke, Jennifer. “Gender takes place: Geschlechter-Räume im Shakespeare-Film. Zur Inter­de­pen­denz von Raumsemantik, Performativität und Gender am Beispiel von Much Ado About No­­thing“. Rabbit Eye – Zeitschrift für Filmforschung (online). No.  2 (2010). 77-89.


Special Issues


1. Henke, Jennifer S./Gerstner, Jan (Hrsg.). (Re-)Framing the Robinsonade. PhiN - Philologie im Netz. Hrsg. Paul Gévaudan, Hiltrud Lautenbach, Alexander Nebrig, Peter Schneck und Dietrich Scholler. Sonderheft 30/2023. 1-72.





11/ 16

M8_04 independent project position (4 yrs.), project “Mon­strous Medicine – Obstetrics in Literature and Culture of the Long Eigh­teenth-Century”, financed by the excellence initiative and accompanied by the Central Research Develop­ment Fund, University of Bremen



Project position (3 yrs.) for the sub-project “The role of gender in contemporary fictio­nal depictions of science“, financed by the Volks­wa­gen foundation in the scope of the international and interdisciplinary research group Fic­tion Meets Science, University of Bremen, Oldenburg, Bielefeld, Guelph and the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst



Printing subsidy for the anthology Hollywood Reloaded. Gen­re­wandel und Medienerfahrung nach der Jahr­tau­sendwende (Schü­ren, 2013), financed by the Fritz Thyssen foundation



Grant for the conference “Hollywood reloaded? Genrewandel und Me­dien­er­fahrung nach der Jahr­tau­send­wende“, financed by the Fritz Thyssen foundation



PhD scholarship in the scope of the interdisciplinary doctoral group “Text­u­ality of Film“, financed by the University of  Bremen   





Since 2022

two independent projects on:
a) Reproduction in Victorian Literature
b) AI in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction 





Nomination for an award for outstanding teaching in the category "diversity-sensitive teaching", University of Greifswald 


Certificate “Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung“ (qualification in higher edu­cation didactics), in cooperation with the University of Bremen, Oldenburg, Osna­brück and the Technical University of Braunschweig 



Certificate "Plan m Mentoring in Science“; post-graduate research development and mentoring program for selected social science and humanities scholars, Uni­ver­sity of Bre­men



Nomination of the thesis Unsex Me Here – Gender und Raum im zeitgenössischen Shakespeare-Film (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2014) for the Helene Richter dissertation prize  



PhD scholarship (3 yrs.) in the scope of the interdisciplinary doctoral group "Textuality of Film", University of Bremen 






College of Arts, University of Guelph, Canada, in cooperation with Prof. Donald Bruce 



College of Arts, University of Guelph, Canada, in cooperation with Prof. Donald Bruce and Fiction Meets Science


Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexiko, in cooperation with Dr. phil. Luz María Hernández Nieto and Fiction Meets Science







54. "Material Maternities: Representing Reproduction", keynote lecture, Third International Conference on Design Vanguard, organized by the research group Design Vanguard, Facultad de Hábitat, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, November 23, 2022 (invited)



53. "Medical Humanities Meets Ecocriticism", guest lecture, University of Guelph, Canada, September 26, 2024

52. "Gender and Medicine in Eighteenth-Century Fiction", guest lecture, University of Hamburg, June 14, 2024

51. "Narratives of Reproduction – From Maternal Myths to Medical Media“, Fiction Meets Science-Workshop,

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, December 14-15, 2023

50. "Science and Medicine in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture", guest lecture, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, December 8, 2023

49."Literature, Culture and Science“. LitCult Colloquium. University of Freiburg, November 7, 2023

48. "Midnight Labours – Birth, Death and the Obstetrical Machine in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818)“. 13. BGECS Jahrestagung Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Ein Text und seine Themen. University of Bonn, October 5, 2023

47. "Power and Pregnancy – Controlling the Female Reproductive Body", guest lecture, University of Rostock, June 29, 2023

46. "Teaching Irish Fiction and Film", guest lecture, University of Bremen, July 7, 2022
45."Doing a PhD in British Literary and Cultural Studies", guest lecture, University of Bielefeld, June 7, 2022
44. "Prekäre Arbeit in der Wissenschaft", guest lecture together with Dr. Hanin Hannouch and Dorothee Marx, Univ. of Vechta, March 2022
43. "Doing a Doctorate in the Humanities", guest lecture, University of Freiburg, February 24, 2022
42. "Bodies of Knowledge - Reproduction and Science in Literature and Culture", University of Guelph, Canada, February 24, 2020

41. "'You bet she can fuck' - Sexarbeit vs. Prostitution am Beispiel von Ex Machina", student conference "Grenzphänomene der Linguistik I: Porno?", University of Bremen, May 9, 2019

40. “Sexroboter und künstliche Intelligenz – die Apotheose der Verdinglichung?“, interdisciplinary conference “‘Robo Sapiens‘? Roboter, Künstliche Intelligenz und Transhumanismus in Literatur, Film und anderen Medien“, University of Kiel, September 26-28, 2018

39. “Monstrous Medicine – Obstetrics in Literature and Culture of the Long Eighteenth Century”, work in progress, Arbeitskreis Cultural Studies, University of Braunschweig, June 30, 2018

38. “'it stopped the sensations of new-born life' – Plants, Potions, and Pregnancy“, workshop “Plant Knowledge/Plant Poetics”, University of Siegen, May 24, 2018

37. “The Madwoman in Science – Gender and Stereotypes in Literature and Film”, guest lecture, seminar “Staging Science: Mathematics and Theatre“ (Voigt), University of Leipzig, December 11, 2017

36. “Technik – Körper – Feminismus: Zur filmischen Inszenierung des weiblichen Cyborgs”, guest lecture, seminar “Gesundheit und digitale Medien. Techniksoziologische Einführung für methodische und theoretische Annäherungen an eHealth“ (Urban), FB11 Public Health, University of Bremen, July 7, 2017

35. “Dea Ex Machina – The Body of the Cyborg Goddess”, workshop “Encoding the Future: Perspectives on the Making of the ‘Human’ in Ex_Machina”, University of Siegen, December 1-2, 2016

34. “’Lost in space’ – Zur Stereotypisierung von Wissenschaftlerinnen im zeitgenössischen Kino”, workshop “Geschlecht und Raum: Imagination und Materialität des (unzugänglichen) Raumes”, University of Mainz, October 22-24, 2015

33. “Monstrous Medicine, Monstrous Bodies – The Culture of Science in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818)“, University of Hamburg, January 16, 2015

32. “’Sigh no more, ladies’ - Shakespeare's Women on Screen”, guest lecture, seminar "Shakespeare on Film” (Vanderbeke), University of Jena, November 10, 2014

31. “Dystopian Visions of Technology: Graphic Literature and Genetics”, workshop “Future Visions: Speculation and Anticipation in Graphic Narratives“, University of Bayreuth, July 11, 2014

30. “Kiss me, Kat – Shakespeare im Schulfilm“, lecture series “Schule im Film“ (Pietsch), University of Hildesheim, January 31, 2011



29. „Erased Subjects: Practices of Reproduction during the Eighteenth Century and Beyond“, International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science, University of Birmingham, 10-12 April 2024

28. „Autonomous Foetuses and the Erasure of the Maternal Body“, American Society for 18th-Century Studies (ASECS), 54th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Kanada, 04.-06. April, 2024

(27.) „Birth as a Crisis? Foucault’s Heterotopia and the Cultural History of Childbirth”, Association for Medical Humanities Conference – Making Space, University of Limerick, Ireland, 17. – 19. Juni, 2020 [cancelled due to the pandemic]

26. "From Flowers to Fluff: Manga and Metaphor", Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, March 24, 2019

25. "'The baneful and blood-stained Monster' – (The Irish) Frankenstein and Political Cartoons", Frankenstein Unbound: An Interdisciplinary Conference Exploring Mary Shelley and Gothic Legacies, Arts University Bournemouth, October 31-November 1, 2018

24. “Violent Medicine: Abortion and the Non-Transfer of Knowledge between the Old and the New World”, EBAAS 2018, 32nd European Association for American Studies and 63rd British Association for American Studies, University College London, April 4-7, 2018

23. “Contextualizing the Maternal Body: Obstetrics in Eighteenth-Century Literature”, The British Society for Literature and  Science Annual Conference, University of Bristol, April 6-8, 2017

22. “Lonely Heroines, Old Maids, and Babe Scientists: Female Science on Screen”, 6th Inter­na­tio­nal Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), Lisbon, September 4-6, 2014

21. “Disturbing Science: Charles Darwin's On the Origins of Species - A Graphic Adap­ta­tion”, 8th Annual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies (AAS) on Dis­tur­bing Adaptations, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Septem­ber 26-27, 2013

20. “Shakespeare Goes Manga”, 7th Annual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies (AAS) on Visible and Invisible Authorships, University of York, September 27-28, 2012

19. “Yet I Am Branded for a Single Fault - The Impact of Feminism on Popular Adap­ta­tions of Arthuriana", Conference on Popular Culture, PCA/ACA & SW/TX. San An­to­nio, Texas, April 20, 2011  




18. "(W)Righting Maria's Wrongs: Gender, Genre and the Body in Eighteenth-Century Fiction", lecture series Gender - Culture - Feminism, University of Bremen, December 11, 2019

17. "Introduction", symposium Reframing the Robinsonades - Ein interdisziplinäres Symposium, University of Bremen, August 30, 2019.

16. “What is Literature? Definitions and Genres”, lecture in the scope of the summer school “Oktoberakademie”, University of Bremen, October 4, 2018

15. “Spaces of Knowledge: Gender, Class, and Medicine”, conference Contradiction Studies: Map­ping the Field/Inaugural Conference on Concepts of Contradiction in the Humani­ties, University of Bremen, February 8-11, 2017

14. “Studying the Body in Literature and Film”, lecture series Gender – Kultur – Feminis­mus, University of Bremen, December 14, 2016

13. “Obstetrics in 18th and 19th Century Literature”, lecture series Key Develop­ments in Literary Theory, University of Bremen, June 9, 2015

12. “Mathematicians, Mysteries and Mental Illnesses: The Stage-to-Screen Adaptation of Proof” (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld and Dr. Kati Voigt), 2nd international Workshop of the research group Fiction Meets  Science: The World of Science under the Litera­ry Micro­scope, University of Bremen and Hanse-Wissen­schaftskolleg (HWK), Del­men­­horst, November 19-22, 2014

11. “Exotisch, erotisch, animalisch: Körperräume in Oliver Parkers Othello (1995)“, in­ter­­dis­­ci­pli­nary colloquium for post-docs "Postcolonial und Gender Stu­dies“, Centrum für Postcolonial und Gender Studies (CePoG), Uni­ver­si­ty of Trier, June 24-26, 2014

10. “'The Spark of Life' - Love and Age in Alice Munro’s “The Bear Came over the Moun­tain” and Sarah Polley’s Away from Her” (with Prof. Katrin Berndt), BICQS-con­ference Being Young and Growing Old in Canada and Québec, Univer­si­ty of Bre­men, January 31 to February 1, 2014

9. “Zur Popularisierung von Naturwissenschaft in graphischer Literatur“, 8. Medien­wis­sen­­­schaftliches Kolloquium des Nordverbunds, University of Bremen, January 17, 2014

8. “Dynamische Bilder im Kontext“ (with Prof. John Bateman and Dr. Janina Wild­feu­er), workshop “Die Kunst der Rezeption“, University of Ham­burg, November 28-30,  2013

7. “(R)Evolution im Comic?“ 8th ComFor conference “Comics und Natur­wis­sen­­schaf­ten“, University of Erlangen, November 15-17, 2013

6. “Die Artussage – Ritterlichkeit und höfische Romanzen“, lecture series Mythen des Mit­­tel­al­ters und der Frühen Neuzeit, University of Bremen, Novem­ber 7, 2013

5. “Medientransformationen: Die Graphic Novel”, 6. Medienwissenschaftliches Kol­lo­­quium des Nordverbundes, University of Hamburg, January 25-16, 2013

4. “The Textuality of Gendered Spaces in Science Films”, 1st international work­shop of the research group Fiction Meets Science: The World of Science under the Lite­­ra­ry Micro­scope, MARUM, University of Bremen and Hanse-Wissen­schaftskolleg (HWK), Delmen­horst, October 12-13, 2012

3. “Die Performanz der Stadt im Film“, section “Text und Stadt transmedial – Urbanität und Film”, interdisciplinary summer school Textu­alität der Stadt – Urbanität in Literatur, Sprache und Film (ISAB-TeSta), Uni­ver­sity  of Bremen, August 22, 2012

2. “Gender-Räume im Shakespeare-Film“, research colloquium “Textuality of Film“, University of Bremen, November 10, 2011

1. “Much Ado About Space: Spatial Representations and Gender in Cinematic Adap­ta­tions of Shakespeare”, conference Rewriting, Remixing, and Reloading – Adap­ta­tions Across the Globe, Berlin, Oktober 1, 2010


Moderations National & International


13. Panel "Female Matters: The Sciences of Pregnancy and Motherhood from the 18th to the Early 20th Century", International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science, University of Birmingham, 10-12 April 2024

12. Panel "Health, Infirmity, and the Practice of Care", American Society for 18th-Century Studies (ASECS), 54th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Kanada, 04.-06. April, 2024

11. Lecture series Gender, Health and the Deviant Body, University of Greifswald, summer semester 2022
10. Panel "To brexit or not not brexit", Annual conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures, University of Hildesheim, November 22, 2019

9. Panel "Alternative Spaces and Spheres", 10th annual BGECS-conference The Eighteenth Century in Film and Popular Culture, University of Bonn, October 2, 2019

8. Bremen conference Reframing the Robinsonade - Ein interdisziplinäres Symposium together with Dr. Jan Gerstner (Bremen), August 30, 2019

7. Meeting of the Arbeitskreis Cultural Studies together with Dr. Vanessa Herrmann (Bremen) and Dr. Jana Nittel (Bremen), Centre for British Studies, Berlin, June 22, 2019

6. Bremen workshop Frankenstein’s Legacy: 200 Years of Myths, Monsters and Mysteries together with Kati Voigt (Leipzig), December 21, 2018

5. Panel "Transmedia Storytelling – Frankenstein and Visual Culture", Frankenstein Un­bound: An Interdisciplinary Conference Exploring Mary Shelley and Gothic Legacies, Arts University Bournemouth, October 31-November 1, 2018

4. Panel "Frankenstein and Film", Frankenstein Unbound: An Interdisciplinary Conference Exploring Mary Shelley and Gothic Legacies, Arts University Bournemouth, October 31-November 1, 2018

3. Section/talk "Frankenstein in Baghdad", Postcolonial Knowledges - Third Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postco­lo­nial Contexts (BCLL #3), University of Bremen, March 15-18, 2016

2. Section "Graphic and animated adaptations", 8th Annual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies (AAS) on Distur­bing Adaptations, Linnaeus University, Växjö/Sweden, Septem­ber 16-17, 2013

1. Section "Love Modie Reloaded", Hollywood reloaded? Genrewandel und Me­dien­­erfahrung nach der Jahrtausendwende, Uni­ver­sity of Bremen, Septem­ber 18-19, 2010 


Public Outreach


6. Curator of the Twitter account @ Real Scientists DE (19k follower), April 2022 
5. Press interviews regarding the seminar "Houston, we have a stereotype! Analyzing Representations of Science in Fiction" together with Dr. Luz Maria Hernandez, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, March 13, 2019 

4. In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play (Sarah Ruhl). Public discussion of the play. Bremen English Theatre, Cake & Conflict series, Kulturzentrum Kukoon, November 25, 2018 

3. Proof (David Auburn). Public discussion of the play. Bremen English Theatre, Cake & Conflict series, Kulturzentrum Kukoon, October 28 25, 2018           

2. “Faszination Frankenstein: Wer ist hier das Monster?“, public talk in the scope of the event series Science Goes Public, Bar Tequila, Bremen-Neustadt, March 8, 2018

1. “Geburtshilfe in der Literatur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts“, section "Fiction Meets Science. Die Welt der Wissenschaften aus literarischer Sicht – Aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Bereich English-Speaking Cultures“, Open Campus Day, University of Bremen, Juli 11, 2015



TEACHING RECORD (PhD, MA, BA, M.Ed.) | Bremen, Hamburg-Harburg, San Luis Potosi (MEX), Halle-Wittenberg, Freiburg, Greifswald, Bonn


WiSe 2024 | Nature and the Renaissance: Cultural Reflections and Literary Landscapes (S, Titellehre)

SoSe 2024 | Green and Blue Shakespeare (S, Titellehre)
WiSe 2023 | Science and Stereotypes in Literature and Film (S)

SoSe 2023 | Key Concepts in Critical Theory (S)
SoSe 2023 | Black British Woman Writers (S)
SoSe 2023 | Shakespeare and Postcolonial Ecocriticism (S)
SoSe 2023 | Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea (S)

WiSe 2022 | Intersectional Shakespeare (S)
WiSe 2022 | On Methods and Methodology: From Posthumanism to Ecocriticism to Blue Humanities (S)
WiSe 2022 | Science Fictions: Gender, Race, Class (S)
WiSe 2022 | The Anglophone Short Story (S)
SoSe 2022 | Gender, Health and the Deviant Body (lecture series with Prof. Klaus Birnstiel) 

SoSe 2022 | Canadian Women: Alice Munro (S) 

SoSe 2022 | Cyborgs and Gender (S)
SoSe 2022 | Irish Fiction and Film (S)
SoSe 2022 | Social Movements (S)

WiSe 2021 | Shakesqueer and Embodiment (S) 
WiSe 2021 | Drug Cultures (S) 
WiSe 2021 | Margaret Atwood (S)

WiSe 2021 | Gender, Science and Technology in Literature and Film (S)
SoSe 2021 | The Body in Eighteenth-Century Literature (VL)

SoSe 2021 | Thesis Writing Workshop (WS) 

SoSe 2021 | Shakespeare and Gender (S) 

SoSe 2021 | Literature on Drugs (S)
SoSe 2021 | Utopian Fictions (S) 
WiSe 2020 | Shakespeare on Screen (S)
WiSe 2020 | Adapting Shakespeare (S)
WiSe 2019 | Forschungskolloquium V: Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft V (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld) (KO)

WiSe 2019 | Imperial Fictions: From Defoe to Edgeworth to Wells (S)

SoSe 2019 | Forschungskolloquium IV: Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft IV (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld) (KO)

SoSe 2019 | 'Houston, we have a stereotype!' Analyzing Representations of Science in Fiction (with Dr. Luz Maria Hernandez) (S)

WiSe 2018 | Literature, Film, Comics: Humanities for Beginners (Oktoberakademie, with Dr. Janina Wildfeuer) (S)

WiSe 2018 | Forschungskolloquium III: Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft III (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld) (KO)

SoSe 2018 | Forschungskolloquium II: Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft II (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld) (KO)

WiSe 2017 | Forschungskolloquium I: Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft I (with Prof. Norbert Schaffeld) (KO)

WiSe 2017 | Introduction to English Literatures (2x) (S)

SoSe 2017 | Samuel Richardson and the Epistolary Novel (S)

WiSe 2016 | Anatomy and Power in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (S)

SoSe 2016 | Sex and the Body – Reproduction in Sterne's Tristram Shandy (S)

WiSe 2015 | Literatures of Addiction (S)

SoSe 2015 | Contextualizing the Gothic Novel (S)

SoSe 2014 | Contemporary Canadian Writers (S)

WiSe 2013 | Graphic Literature (S)

WiSe 2013 | Science and the Media (S)

SoSe 2013 | Science and Satire (S)

WiSe 2012 | Shakespeare in Film and Popular Culture (S)

WiSe 2010 | Shakespeare, Film, and Gender (S)


Lectureships: MA

Since 2016 on a regular basis: 'Science and Stereotypes in Literature and Film' (S, TUHH)






Organisation and implementation of the annual meeting of the "Arbeitskreistreffen Cultural Studies" in cooperation with Prof. Mark Schmitt (HU Berlin), Dr. Frauke Hofmeister (U Leipzig) and Dr. Dietmar Böhnke (U Leipzig), University of Leipzig, June 22, 2024



Organisation and implementation of the workshop "Academic Careers” in the scope of the International ScienceHumanities Summer School in cooperation with the University of Bremen, the University of Cardiff and the HWK Institute for Advanced Study, June 5, 2024


Organisation and implementation of the interdisciplinary workshop Gender – Science – Stereotypes together with Katharina Horn in cooperation with the central equal opportunities office, the interdisciplinary centre for gender studies (IZfG) and the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg (Wiko), University of Greifswald 

SoSe 22
Organisation and implementation of the interdisciplinary lecture series Gender, Health and the Deviant Body – Intersektionale Zugänge zu Körper, Gesundheit und Geschlecht together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Birnstiel and the IZfG, University of Greifswald   

Organisation and implementation of the interdisciplinary and international workshop Politics of Reproduction together with Dr. Monika Ewa Kaminska, University of Bremen [cancelled due to the pandemic]


Organisation and implementation of the workshop "Academic Careers” in the scope of the International ScienceHumanities Summer School in cooperation with the University of Bremen, the University of Cardiff and the HWK Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, 08.-12. Juni 2020 [postponed due to the pandemic]



Organization and implementation of the Bremen event Reframing the Robinsonade - Ein interdisziplinäres Symposium together with Dr. Jan Gerstner (Bremen), University of Bremen, August 30, 2019



Organization and implementation of the "Arbeitskreistreffen Cultural Studies" together with Dr. Vanessa Herrmann (Bremen) and Dr. Jana Nittel (Bremen), Centre for British Studies, Berlin



Organization and implementation of the interdisciplinary and intercultural seminar "'Houston, we have a stereotype!' Analyzing Representations of Science in Fiction" together with Dr. Luz Maria Hernandez, SLP, Mexico



Organization and implementation of the Bremen workshop Frankenstein’s Lega­cy: 200 Years of Myths, Monsters and Mysteries together with Dr. Kati Voigt (Leip­zig), University of Bremen, December 21, 2018



Organization and implementation of the panel "Transmedia Storytelling – Frankenstein and Visual Culture" at the international conference Frankenstein Unbound: An Interdisciplinary Conference Exploring Mary Shelley and Gothic Legacies, Arts University Bournemouth



Coordination of the program for the degree course English Speaking Cul­tures at the Open Campus Day 2015



Organizational support of the BICQS (Bremen Institute of Canada and Québec Studies) for the interdisciplinary conference Being Young and Growing Old in Kanada and Québec (2014)



Organizational support of the BICQS (Bremen Institute of Canada and Québec Studies) for the interdisciplinary conference The Far North (2010)



Organization and implementation of the conference Hollywood reloaded? Genrewandel und Me­dien­er­fahrung nach der Jahr­tausend­wende, together with Dr. Magdalena Krakowski, Dr. Oliver Schmidt and Dr. Benjamin Moldenhauer, University of Bremen 





since 04/2024 | Member of the Travel Grant Committee, ASECS (American Society for 18th-Century Studies)
10/21-09/23 | Member of the institutional board, IfAA, U Greifswald 

07/17-07/19 | Member of the faculty council, department 10, U Bremen 

06/17-07/19 | Member of the ZKFF (Central Commission for Women’s Issues), U Bremen 

01/16-03/21 | Women’s representative, department 10, U Bremen 

10/13-06/17 | Module convener (3 modules) for the degree course English-Speaking Cultures, U Bremen 

01/13-08/17 | Responsible for the faculty reports to AREAS (Annual Report on English and American Studies)

07/16-08/17 | Responsible for the faculty reports to the GKS (German Society for Canadian Studies)

since 10/12 | BA and MA thesis supervisor 
since 04/11 | committee member for PhD and habilitation procedures 





German Society for the Study of British Cultures 

German Association for the Study of English
German Shakespeare Association

German Society for the Study of the 18th Century

American Society for 18th-Century Studies 

British Society for Literature and Science

Fiction Meets Science

Worlds of Contradiction

Bremen Institute for Canada and Québec Studies 

German Association for Canadian Studies           

German Society for Media Studies 

British Women’s Study Group 1558 – 1837